Cutting the Cake
A Journey Through Interactive Art
Welcome to Cutting the Cake, a vibrant collaboration between textile artist Jolanda de Meester and photographer Karen Steenwinkel.
Together, they create a captivating fusion of photographic art, video projections, and textile works that invite exploration and imagination.
In their enchanting dreamscapes, Jolanda and Karen encourage viewers to embrace a more natural state of mind, highlighting the importance of positive thoughts while also offering reflections on our modern way of life. Their installations are not just for viewing; they invite participation, allowing you to engage with their art in meaningful ways.
One standout experience features a 4x4 meter cloth, 'The Dream Catcher' where visitors can embroider their dreams and visions.
This interactive piece serves as a platform for personal expression, weaving individual stories into a collective dream carpet that captures the essence of shared hopes and aspirations.
Join Jolanda and Karen on this immersive journey, where art becomes a shared experience, and let your creativity contribute to their vibrant tapestry. Experience Cutting the Cake and be a part of a community of dreamers!